Wednesday, December 1, 2010

semut dan ambo - Part one.

                                                  IETS Industrial Effluent Treatment System

The Story.
Today more people are very concern on Environmental issue  all over the globe,specially on water quality and water reserved. Healthy and good quality of water source are essential to human and living body.
Environmental issue on water  quality in Malaysia.DOE the government department under Minister of  Natural Resources and Environment, where all the issue on water quality in our country been monitoring and enforcement done.
Educational and enforcement are two vital approaches to change people mind set and understanding of essential knowledge on polluted water resources and portable water.The good management are goes hand in hand to protect our natural water recourses.

Minister of Environmental of Malaysia
The Legal frame work.
The Environmental Quality Act 1974(EQA) under section 25 a general provision for control of water pollution from industrial sources.
The statement on section 25:
No person shall,unless licensed,emit,discharge or deposit any environmentally hazardous substances,pollutants,  or wastes into any inland waters in contravention of acceptable conditions specified under section 21.

All plant that producing an amount of Effluents water discharge into inland water are subjected to the Quality Act (1974).
Industrials Effluents Regulations 2009 (IERs)
1.the total BOD load of the effluent of discharge 6kg per day.
2.the SS load of the effluent of 6 kg or more per day.
3.the total sum of BOD and SS load of effluent of 6 kg or more.
4.the discharge volume of 60 m3 or more.
 The effluent are recognized : Industrial Effluent and combine effluent (sewage and industrial discharge) in IERs.

a safe drinking water and healthy water source are essential to human and living body.  
Performance Monitoring under Regulation 9.
Read - Requirements for sources to conduct performance monitoring of theirs IETS is provided for in Regulation 9.
Performance Monitoring of affluent treatment system reads :  an owners of premises shall conduct performance monitoring of the components of the effluent treatment system in the manner as specified in the Guidence Documents on Performance Monitoring of Industrial Effluent Treatment Systems issued by DOE.

Competent Person.
Industries required to employ qualified  and trained person to supervise the operation of their IETS. The person must be certified by Director General of DOE.
He or Her must be a CePIETSO recognize by DOE, Malaysia.

PS: The writer  Are  attending  course CePIETSO from DOE and already pass Exam and  Lab.Practical at EiMAS. UKM Bangi.

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