Tuesday, November 30, 2010

semut dan ambo

24" BiDirectional PIG.One of technician doing the routine check  on Pig.
Did You Know PIG are used in Oil and Gas Industries ? PIG a short term from Pipeline Internal Gauge.

In petroleum industry specially in Oil and Gas operation, Pig are the special tool used to cleared and clean internal of transmission pipeline from one point to another. There are many types and use of pig in operation.
It can be differentiated into two , Common type and the  Intelligence Pig.
Common Pig can be divided by Bidirectional and Cup Pig.
Pig are launched  for internal pipeline schedule maintenance to gauge the integrity of internal wall and sweep all unwanted deposition at the bottom of pipeline.
Cup pig are first to be launch then follow by Bidirectional Pig during pigging operation.
A barrel used to place the pig inside before launch callad Pig Launcher and at the end of receiving  point the barrel called Pig Receiver. Distance from point to point of pipeline depend on how far the platform to another. For example in OGT operation ,Pig are launched from offshore  SCPA(sotong collector Platform) to Ogt Onshore about 180 Km distance.Pigging operation takes 11-18 Hrs for a Pig to arrived at Ogt Receiver. Travelling time taken depend on how much gas flow rate produce at that particular day.Pig size depend on the internal diameter of  pipeline..
Intelligence Pig are advanced and used computer technology  to take sample data,such as temperature,
flow rate,pipeline internal  wall thickness data and stored inside computer memory card.Engineer and  technician will analyse the data taken from the memory card.
Another type of Pig are Inflatable type ,Foam type and spherical pig but rarely used in this operation.

Pig Launcher under maintenance and minor repair.

 PS :PIG are short term from Pig Internal Gauge.

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